Fully thread and silver tilla embroidered with adda/ handwork of kora dapka, silver sequins, pearls, stones, marori thread work.
Length of the front is 36 inches (embroidery 33 inches), damn 23 (embroidery 20) inches, chest 18 (emb 18) inches and factory cutted from neck to shoulder is 4 inches.
Length of the sleeves are 19 (embroidery 18 inches) and width is 15 inches
Plain off brand fabric for back.
Sold: Length of the front is 37 inches (embroidery 35 inches), damn 20 inches, chest 18 nches and factory cutted from neck to shoulder is 4 inches.
Length of the sleeves are 22 (embroidery 19 inches) and width is 15 inches.
Plain off brand fabric for back.